an art a day: treehouse 2.0

So this is my 30th and last Art A Day! Even though it was rough and stressful getting the ideas made, documented and posted every night, I managed to push out something new every day.

In my normal work mode I often get really wound up in making large projects that take me days or weeks to finish. If I don't have 3 hours of solid time to devote to working on a project I sometimes wont even bother. So I decided to challenge myself to adapt to a different approach, one that's a lot looser, a lot faster, one with less restrictions where I didn't judge myself too much about the process and content. I wanted to make room for little art as well as big art.

It really came down to making art an everyday priority, so even though I'm done making art EVERY DAY (I miss going to bed on time, and seeing movies and going out) I'll continue to invest more everyday moments into my artmaking. So as I continue to share more single day art projects, look out for #smallarts.